Donna Mayfield » Donna Mayfield

Donna Mayfield

Welcome to the 2019-2020 fifth grade school year.  I am the ELAR and social studies teacher.
Please email me or call the school if you would like to have a conference, or if you would like to share some important information about your child.
Important Times of the Day
7:15 Breakfast
7:45 School begins
11:20-11:50 Lunch
2:05-3:05 Fifth grade specials 
3:15 Dismissal
Ms. Mayfield's Schedule
7:30-7:45 Breakfast
7:45-8:00 Morning Meeting
8:05-9:05 Intervention
9:07-10:27 Batson's Homeroom
10:30-11:15 Ogden's Homeroom
11:20-11:50 Lunch
11:53-12:03 Recess
12:05-12:40 Ogden's Homeroom
12:42-2:02 Mayfield's Homeroom
2:05-3:05 Specials
3:05-3:15 Dismissal